Online Webinars

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Transcend Restriction Through

The Causal Chakra

A three-part webinar series with Alexis

What will you receive?


Learn how to shift long-term physical & psychological symptoms by working with the Causal Chakra.


Break-free from ingrained patterns and remain balanced through mental and emotional fluxes.


Open communication with your Causal Chakra to manifest opportunities in alignment with your destiny & Higher Self.

As I reflect on the predictions I made in my channellings for 2021 & 2022, I am astonished by how much has come to pass. I can also sense the weight of restriction coming up as we try to embrace our authentic selves. Following on from these channellings, I have been guided to share further insights on the changes happening on our planet and in the Causal Chakra, supporting a release of limitation in preparation for the New Year.

For this 3-part webinar, I will delve into the changes occurring in the Causal Chakra. It is through the Causal Chakra that you receive messages from the universe. Awakening this chakra breaks down ingrained and restrictive thoughts, feelings and circumstances. It connects you to your Higher Self and grounds heightened mindsets into your everyday thought patterns. When functioning, it enables you to embrace your authentic self, and manifest higher goals and possibilities.

In each of these webinar sessions, I will share a snapshot of what is occurring right now and teach procedures that will support the communication between your Higher Self and your Causal Chakra. I will complete each session with an activation meditation, running light and elements birthing in our universe at this time.

Date & Time

Tuesday, 30th August 8am - 9am AEST

Tuesday, 20th September 8am - 9am AEST

Tuesday, 11th October 8am - 9am AEDT

Limited Spots Available

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Each webinar will run for one hour.

Bookings closed.

Bookings closed.

Bookings close 3pm on 10 October.

3 Part Package

Save $130

  • Pay for all 3 webinar sessions & save $130.
  • Download recorded audio to your own device for ongoing listening.

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All prices are in Australian dollars.

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About Alexis

Alexis Cartwright, Creator and Founder of Transference Healing

Alexis Cartwright is the channel and founder of the healing and ascension modality, Transference Healing. She is an Australian-based teacher who has spent the last thirty years supporting others to raise their vibration, self-master and create a higher reality. Alexis teaches others how to work with frequency, light and alchemy. Her schedule includes mass healings, training events and Mystery Schools, which she facilitates to a large global audience, both in person and online. She has also authored a range of publications, including ‘Beyond Doorways: the Mysteries Revealed’ and the ‘Animal Magic’ divination cards.

About Transference Healing
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Comfort of Your Own Home

3 Part Package

Save $130

  • Pay for all 3 webinar sessions & save $130.
  • Download recorded audio to your own device for ongoing listening.

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Your Booking Options

All prices are in Australian dollars.

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